Cowardly Representatives of Nigeria's Minorities

 Cowardly Representatives of Nigeria's Minorities

Why are our leaders in the middle-belt and east of the Niger so cowardly at expressing what is on their mind and speaking in unison with their constituents.

It is generally believed that GEJ represents the delta yet he is at crossroads with all the militants, but he is presumed as representing their interests and is serving as the go between in passing on messages between the government and militants. It is no mystery that they will be after his life due to rightful accusations that he is not standing stoutly for his people and is undermining their efforts to bring resources to the region.

The national debate would have been more enlivened and positively poignant necessitating drastic measures to immediately ameliorate the disaster in the delta and the east if he issued a statement like: 

yes I gave financial support to my boys in the delta to keep up the struggle in case Buhari terminated my amnesty program and put the development of the delta on the back burner.

I am fully in support of MEND and the Delta Avengers and moves against them degrade the delta. 

When I was president I tried to fight the cabal militating against the development of the delta, I was about to redistribute all the oil wells and I was going to implement the recommendations of the constitutional conference, but the cabal rigged me out of office.

I was afraid for my life and was forced to concede , but now having time to reflect, I now regret ever handing over, I should have challenged Buhari's victory and all cases of underage voting and ghost voters in Borno.

My people are suffering and need more federal investment. I will lead the fight of my people against oil spills to the UN.

In the case of the middle-belt states long suffering from the invasion of Fulani herdsmen why has no Governor issued a call for arms surrounded by the entire elected officials and elite of the state and threaten fire and brimstone until the federal government out of utter fear of a break down of law and order by the entire machinery of a state sends in the army en-masse to eradicate the re-occurrence of massacres at places like Agatu..etc.

In contrast the political leaders north of the Niger are more vocal and militant about the demands of their constituents and are not afraid to speak out about perceived injustices and the need for northernization policies to protect themselves in the face of domination or to maintain their standing in one Nigeria. 

The only conclusion one can use to explain the passivity of those aforementioned leaders is being totally unglued from the federal power structure and years of domination of the center by the dominant NE and NW who command and have always commanded behind the scenes the security and financial apparatus of Nigeria.

But perhaps the real reason for this duality in representation is that the biased and elitist election model presently in Nigeria particularly from the middle-belt down to the Atlantic Ocean does not allow the true ethnic nationalists to emerge, it is why you would have militant leaders like tompolo and the others in the creeks with a toothless bulldog like Jonathan representing them or why Shettima is in the governors mansion instead of Mallam Shekau, the list is endless. At the end of the day you have pretender representatives not truly and unmistakably reaching a principled agreement on how to run and share the resources of the Nigerian state.

Strong advocacy and strident vocalism usually comes from the knowledge that you have a force of militants behind your back who speak with one voice on every single issue.

In retrospect, it is not the fault of the north dominated by the NE and NE who from the beginning of time and even in pre-independence Nigeria have always spoken with one strong voice bravely and unequivocally while the minorities are splintered and disunited and leaderless about their core beliefs and demands.

The other more base accusation against minority leaders is that they are not prepared to die for their convictions because there is no basis for their demands if not how does one explain how the governors of the delta and the SE have squandered the 13% over they years, and are undeveloped in-spite of the indigenous Jonathan for six whole years. 

The amalgamation of the northern and southern protectorates to form Nigeria is irreversible and will be sustained by the full might of the unified Nigerian army and while there are forces fighting to separate there are just too many unions and bonds to make separation possible, but the union would be strengthened when minority leaders can unequivocally voice and have their concerns immediately addressed to stem the anarchy and militancy bedeviling Nigeria today.



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